Tuesday, December 20, 2016

A Motorcycle Accident Attorney Can Be Helpful With Your Motorcycle Accident Settlement

Riding a motorcycle on the streets of St. Louis is a daunting and daring task. Still, there are many motorcycle riders out there, like myself, who accept the risks and ride regularly. As they say, "risk is a part of life but you should always have a back up". In the case of a motorcycle accident, your backup should be a proficient St. Louis motorcycle accident attorney. Your attorney will manage the entire process after an accident so you can focus on getting better.

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

The Risks Of A Motorcycle Accident

For a motorcycle rider, being on a motorcycle is an exhilarating experience but also one of the most dangerous places to be on the road. While riding the motorcycle, you are enjoying unlimited freedom but this is freedom that comes with great responsibility. A motorcycle rider is very much exposed to great dangers unlike their automobile counterparts.

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Motorcycle Accident Settlement - What it Means For the Accident Victim

If you have been in an accident and have sustained a motorcycle accident injury, you will want to have help in settling your motorcycle accident claims with the insurance company. It is best to utilize the services of an experienced lawyer, who can take care of the legal matters, leaving you free to recuperate and get better quickly.

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Shocking Motorcycle Accident Statistics

In 2007, over 4900 people were killed in different types of accidents in the United States alone in a major motorcycle incident study done by the University of Southern California (USC). In this motorcycle study, they analyzed thousands of accidents and came to conclusions about the main causes of each accident. The study was done to try and develop ways to avoid incidents to prevent these motorcycle related deaths. Nearly 900 motorcycle crashes in the LA area were studied and analyzed to come up with the statistics below.

Saturday, October 8, 2016

Why Hire a Motorcycle Accident Lawyer?

Motorcycle accidents are often considered dangerous than figuring in a four-wheeled vehicle mishap. This is because the risk of the motorcycle rider sustaining serious physical injuries is greater than that of the driver in a car or truck. In fact, a great number of accidents involving cars and motorcycles or object collisions, resulted in the rider of motorcycles being treated for life-threatening injuries.

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

How to Hire a Qualified Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

Lets face it, no one ever thinks they will be involved in a motorcycle accident and when they do the last thing they think about is hiring a motorcycle accident lawyer because many people believe that if they have full coverage motorcycle insurance they will be taken care of in the event of a motorcycle accident. The truth of the matter is you should always hire a qualified motorcycle accident lawyer to represent you so your rights are protected when dealing with the at faults party's insurance company.

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

same time, the number of Michigan motorcycle accidents that resulted in death rose by 98%. These facts just begin to show the seriousness of these crashes. Statistics certainly cannot describe the lasting impact on the victims or their families.

Saturday, February 27, 2016

How Motorcycle Accident Lawyers Protect Your Rights

Having an experienced motorcycle accident lawyer to represent you in the event of being hit is the wisest decision you can make in protecting yourself and getting compensation for medical bills, damage to your bike, and in case of serious injury, enough money to cover your future medical bills and needs. If you ride a motorcycle in a big city, then I am sure you already know about the day to day hazards you face as you ride on congested streets and highways, and even if you have never had an accident, you must consider the life changing impact of being hit by a motorist while on your bike.